"Hyakuyaku by Tokuyamazushi" is a Japanese restaurant overseen by Chef Hiroaki Tokuyama, the owner of the renowned "Tokuyama Zushi," which is also listed in the Michelin Guide for Shiga Prefecture.
Chef Hiroaki Tokuyama, after training at Kyoto's "Kawashige" and serving as the head chef at a ryokan (traditional Japanese inn) in Shiga, opened "Tokuyama Zushi" in 2004. He is especially known for refining Shiga's traditional fermented dish "Funazushi (old-style fermented crucian carp sushi)" and sharing its unique flavor with gourmets across the country. Additionally, he offers dishes featuring game meat, wild plants, and seasonal fish, all highly praised by world-class chefs.
The name "Hyakuyaku" (which literally means "Hundred Medicines") is inspired by the proverb "Sake Ha Hyakuyaku no Chō" (It means almost "Alcohol as a panacea"), symbolizing the ideal of food that supports health and longevity, like a source of life. At "THE HUNDRED LONGEVITY HOUSE," where this restaurant is located, guests can enjoy "Japanese fermented cuisine that is better than a hundred medicines," which is both healthy and delicious.
The interior is designed with a focus on Japanese beauty, offering a calm and refined atmosphere. Private rooms are available for an intimate dining experience, as well as counter seating where guests can enjoy the live preparation of the dishes. Guests can savor Tokuyama Zushi’s special "Aged Sushi," seasonal game dishes, and other seasonal ingredients. Additionally, there are pairings of the perfect sake, wine, and tea with each dish.
The head chef, Hitoshi Sato, hails from Fukushima Prefecture and honed his skills at restaurants like "Ichita" in Aoyama and the French restaurant "YAWYE" in Nishi-Azabu. With a background in fishing and wild plant foraging, and through his experience as a "food hunter," he has built strong relationships with trustworthy producers.
As a result of his encounter with Chef Tokuyama, Chef Sato deepened his understanding of fermented cuisine, and together they created "healthy and delicious Japanese fermented dishes."
At Hyakuyaku by Tokuyamazushi, guests can enjoy modern takes on traditional Japanese fermented dishes, accompanied by heartfelt hospitality.